[REJECTED] conmanx360

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You know... I just joined the Global RP ignoring Conman, then he just started saying things about me... so now you know why I started flaming him... well I wouldn't say flaming but w.e you guys think idc. Then I said wow... this is why I hate you, and he said it was a joke, HE SAYS EVERYTHING IS A JOKE. I don't take that as a joke.

What me? I have never been on the Global RP server... and on the Spacebuild I just build... I don't see me doing anything wrong.

Something fishy going on here.
Fishy, Lelouch
And as for me I see this as a rage thread, no offense Uber.
Attacking is part of the RP I suppose but the attacker needs to give it a break sometimes and even if it wasn't a glitch just build a new ship. It's a game.
Something really bannable would be like: Hacking, Spawn Killing, Prop Killing, Propblocking

And on another note I think we have received enough input plus this thread is turning into nonsensical babble. Closed.
ok here my input.

never played on the server but rebuilding is part of life sorry your ship was hammered to it death but rebuild?

also Luluch WHY THE F. would you Keep on replying and saying crap when your told to STFU? your commants was not worth a damn because you were not putting input just flamming.
This needs serious investigation. I think the leadership has gotten enough complaints against conmanx to start a formal investigation into this matter.
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