[BANNED] User Mad Clown Prop Riding/Killing ban request


Nov 24, 2010
Username - Mad Clown

Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:18434768

evidence -

this one doesn't show much but it leads into the next one. just before he prop surfs across nearly hitting another player in the process.



another launch death.


player i managed to look up at after he said he was prop pushed into the air.


another prop kill.....


hit sitting on a prop out of our reach.


my perfectly horrible timing of a snapshot of him hitting the water after prop surfing down from the top of the map.


him nearly hitting me.


nearly hitting another player and me.


I'm quite aware that images are not accepted, however the file i recorded (and removed these 10 images directly from, without any edits of any kind using fraps on my media player.) i myself do not feel motivated enough to sit here for multiple hours. so i don't want to upload that 3 GB file. however if i shrink the file size down. which would then be considered editing...... i would upload it. no other edits would be made but it would give a much better image.

I will also have to defend myself in a way, as well as the other whom were on the server at the time. We gave him ample warning before i started recording but he would not listen and continued to do so. However I'll admit I went down onto his level to combat him (not by prop pushing, but multiple killings and spawn kills that i'm not happy in the slightest to admit to.) But i find it hard to feel as guilty as i would if it were someone whom was not Griefing. though still, I myself, know that doing so was not in the least bit the right thing to do, but it was the only thing i could think of. So it was my choice to do so and ill take any grief that may come out of that.

If i can shrink the file size of the video i will upload it. but i also want to know if i'm allowed to do so as it is, technically, tampering with the video, though no parts of it will be removed only compressed.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 - around 7 pm - 8 pm (EST)
this is just a approximation. i disconnected from the server a few minutes ago and its 8:11 now so thats my best guess.

Ip/port -
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