Tags, Trolling, and Advertisment


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2012
St. Louis, Missouri
My brother and I share an account, him being older, he is 16. He usually takes my tags off without asking, and I never remember to put them back on. Will this be an issue? I Will eventually remember to put them back on while I am playing, but it annoys me that he just won't keep them on. I also like clan trolling, where when I used to be a part of another clan, we would troll TTT Servers in Gmod and say ours was better and get some hilarious reactions from them. Would this be allowed? I found a "Tryhard" clan that it's just full of doucebags and smart-asses. I wanted to troll them so hard, but I refrained, although my friend went trolling on them because he is not a part of RKS, I said go ahead. I would've liked to join him, but I did not know if that was allowed. Also, advertising the server or RKS in general was brought up by my friend, he was going to give the link but I told him not to. He listened and did no further trolling. He was later banned for a week because he killed an admin, even though he was a traitor. I wanted to wail on him like crazy, but again, I refrained from doing so again. What are your opinions on this? Let me know and for others as well.
"Wanted to wail on him" Lets hope you kept that admins IP so you can find him IRL and get your dad to beat up his dad. But in all seriousness it's your friend's problem that he got banned, I'm sure he's a big boy and if he wants to be unbanned he'll ask. Trolling the admin or "Wailing on him" would make matters worse for you and your friend. Though RKS is a causal gaming group if sure leaders like PY and Fire don't want tension and unneeded conflict from other clans.
RKS is not a clan or group for trollers. We like to have fun and mess around but on our own servers. Most of the people in RKS would yell at you if your trolling on any server. If you are wearing your tags and trolling I would murder your babies. Trolling while wearing your tags would leave a bad first impression of RKS.
no no no no no. no. We don't like people that do that. notice the age requirement. that is because by the time you reach it you are likely going t have gotten bored of doing any kind of trolling. just as an example a previous recruit named grim never passed through recruit because when no one was a around he was a minge. if you read, the sticky sais precisely "[RECRUITED] - You seem like RKS material, so we have recruited you. This means that you are on a trial period at which we determine if you are a member we are looking for. Basically the same as accepted members, just that you could be rejected one day."
its a trial period so doing shit like that is not good
We don't accept trolling of any manner really, under any circumstances. It's the same concept as hacking. Don't do it on our servers, and don't do it elsewhere either. Whether you're wearing tags or not, which you should always have on, it doesn't permit you to break the boundaries.
I'm sure PY or Fire will clarify or reiterate.
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With or without tags they can still find the RKS tag
@Roflcopter42rar Just to clear something up, I never said RKS was better, I looked over your post and I thought your tone sounded more like I had already done it. Thanks to everyone for the advice/guidelines.
no no no no no. no. We don't like people that do that. notice the age requirement. that is because by the time you reach it you are likely going t have gotten bored of doing any kind of trolling. just as an example a previous recruit named grim never passed through recruit because when no one was a around he was a minge. if you read, the sticky sais precisely "[RECRUITED] - You seem like RKS material, so we have recruited you. This means that you are on a trial period at which we determine if you are a member we are looking for. Basically the same as accepted members, just that you could be rejected one day."
its a trial period so doing shit like that is not good

I don't agree with a portion of this. We don't really "Troll" on our servers but we have fun & screw around. And the ages vary, therefore I don't think it's an age thing. Although obviously if your around 25-30 years of age, you're extremely less likely to be ****ing with people. Unless it's all in good fun :D.
I find that a depressing amount of trolls sound to be at least 18. It's a shame really, that they have nothing productive to do with their life.
It hurts you, it hurts the clan. If you're going to be in RKS, you're going to have to figure out how to be responsible. Otherwise, you'll be out the door pretty fast.
I know how to responsible in this sense, not just screwing a ton of crap up, and stirring up trouble, subtle jokes and laughable things, as I said before, it won't hurt RKS. and btw aparently RKS isn't a clan, so says Baggins, refer to his earlier post. Either way, if it gets out of hand (Which I can almost guarentee won't happen) I will take whatever measures are necessary to resolve the problem.