[REJECTED] Mahlipen69's Stranded Server Admin App


Sep 22, 2010
  1. Name: Mahlipen69
  2. Age: 15
  3. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25233528
  4. Games I play: HL 1,2 and all extentions of those, Portal, TF2, Gmod, many others if you want to know them check my Joining app
  5. I agree to all of your polices of being in other clans groups ect. and to participate in your forums regularly
I want to be a Admin for your Stranded server on gmod because I cant help but notice when i was playing there are many things in you server that dont follow the rules including: Killing over and over again without the killees permition, mic spammers at which point it gives you a headache and you are not able to hear anybody else, and the general mingebag. and I want to do something to stop that. yes I know that I joined your clan a couple days ago and I have read your policies about becoming admin but Many people are getting upset and angry because of a few people on your server are being an incredible antagonist at others feelings, ages opinions and I wish to something about that. If you be so kind to grant me this ability to control this and make thing better I will greatly appreciate that. If you don't you wont hurt my feelings or anything thats ok if you have to go by your policies I just want to be able to make your server a more happy and fun place to hang out and have fun.
Thanks, Mahlipen69:)
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umm dude you cant sign up for admin you are chosen at random from a group of members saying you are eligable. so sorrhy this was a useless post