[REJECTED] ban request

[REJECTED] ban request

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Apr 10, 2009
The UK
ok this person seems to think (even if he doesent own the doors on the gun shop ) he can bagsy the gun spawner and prop block it, me and likeluke11 and wolfhowl was owning the gun shop on the rp server after about 30min's past RKS | Uberdell came along and said he owns the gunspawner i said how can you when we own the doors for the gun shop.. ! he said i bagsy'ed it so it is mine, so i told him i will be taking screenshots of his prop block that he put up on the buttons so we couldent spawn any guns this block had no keypad/buttons and was froze onto the gunspawner.


Thanks for reading.. i seem to be joining when all the noobs are on maybe one day i will have somthing good to say about the players.
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ok this person seems to think (even if he doesent own the doors on the gun shop ) he can bagsy the gun spawner and prop block it, me and likeluke11 and wolfhowl was owning the gun shop on the rp server after about 30min's past RKS | Uberdell came along and said he owns the gunspawner i said how can you when we own the doors for the gun shop.. ! he said i bagsy'ed it so it is mine, so i told him i will be taking screenshots of his prop block that he put up on the buttons so we couldent spawn any guns this block had no keypad/buttons and was froze onto the gunspawner.


Thanks for reading.. i seem to be joining when all the noobs are on maybe one day i will have somthing good to say about the players.

i'm not wanting this person ban only told off for being a bit noobish
um... no the door was open, i wanted the machine, you weren't selling, so i propblocked it. when i tried to go in you guys started shooting me so...
um... no the door was open, i wanted the machine, you weren't selling, so i propblocked it. when i tried to go in you guys started shooting me so...

So you started being a minge? Seems like that to me. They were just protecting their property.
all i was doing was trying to sell guns and all he was doing was breaking in as a gangster and killing us/ stealing none stop and waiting for us to come back
all i was doing was trying to sell guns and all he was doing was breaking in as a gangster and killing us/ stealing none stop and waiting for us to come back then he became a cp and was breaking in ( being a cp its easyer to break in ) and was killing us that way and he wanted the gunspawner and he wasent even a gundealer as you can see in the pic ....

ps sorry about all the double posting but i cant seem to find a edit button to redo my old one :S sorry..
All I see here is a common RP situation. There was no prop block involved as it is only a button, and not a path, or a hidden money printer. Situation, gundealer leaves door unlocked, mob takes gundealers form of income hostage, possible intending to charge money to have it removed, or just keep the gundealer from accessing it. Its just blackmail. I see that he has done nothing wrong.
Uberdell was a cop, not a gangster or mobboss, that makes the situation even more worse, and even if he was in the mob, that doesn't me he can blackmail like that.
all he was doing was breaking in as a gangster

He began it as a gangster.
And the mob blackmails all the time, Im sure you have at some point in time aswell. Money printers, shipments, etc. With Uber, it was something he couldnt move, so he just disabled it.
ok 1'st thing you was killing us as a gangster none stop so when we came back we died again then when we got back in and locked the door you became a cp so you can break in easyer and then you kills us for nothing WHEN YOU WAS A CP !!! we did nothing wrong apart from trying to sell guns, + my money got reset so i had nothing so i couldent get a shipment.... this was all done by spite he couldent stand us having that gun shop.
Ban request denied. Uber, don't take matter in your own hands, go get an admin. Also, Uberdell, see this as a warning. Don't be an idiot to other players, even if they break the rules. You broke alot of rules yourself doing it. You can't "claim the gun-mashine" if somebody owns the front door and you can't propblock other people's shipments. And Xcaliber, you can't propblock moneyprinters, and for doing it again after being warned, you should actually be banned. And at the end you got kicked for dming....
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