Well i tried to call the cops but all of them aka, Magicsfire and Xicablo were to busy trying to build a prop surfing car which young showed them, and i would like to bring attention to the ban request addison made against young which i was a witness to ill quote What young said "Ok, Addizon or w/e, Busting in without a warrent, RDM, Random arrest.
you ppl were propblocking after you got a hold of my printer
Darkstuka was propblocking the CP station
I killed those who killed, busted in, and random arrested me."
He Busted in my house without a warrant which is how he got my printers and thus i prop blocking him for that, Random arrest MANY times which is why i demote him, AND he steals my printer(s) and goes into a random room in the sewers locks the door and prop blocks it, thats why i cant get a Shot of it cause i cant unlock the door and it's prop blocking from behind, so basically young, You're a Hypocrit, now he will reply denying this all Because he wants me banned because he knows i am right and he is wrong thats why he wants me out of the server but As you saw in the ban request for young, like 6-7 people want him banned, only one (young) wants me banned, he is more trouble than i am in RKS, he bugges more people, that is probally why i've never seen the server even close to max people cause he is almost always in there bugging people, Now im gonna go play RP try to record him doing the shit he's being doing and get him banned and me Appealed.
Gud Day.