[REJECTED] Application to JustANobody


New member
Sep 10, 2012
IGN: JustANobody

Age: 13

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:27187831

Games I play: Garry's Mod, Half-Life 2, Battle Grounds 2, CS:S, Dungeon Defenders, Gmod 13, Company of Heroes, Mount & Blade: With Fire and Sword, Poker Night at the Inventory, Portal, The Ship, Star Wars: Empire at War, TF2, Rainbow Six 3: Gold, Torchlight, Torchlight 2, Universe Sandbox.

I live in Desloge, Missouri.

I like to help voluntarily and to have fun with other Gmod players.

I agree not to join or be part of any other clan or community and I will wear the RKS tags all the time.

I agree to participate on the forums regularly (at least once a week) since I understand that it's impossible to determine who is active or not otherwise.
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His name is JustANobody. Nobody knows him. I have a hard time believing that this is a serious application.
That's what i'm thinking, but regardless I don't know him nor have I ever played with him or seen him so i'm going to have to say no.
I was on the server last night, Spetzer was on when I was on, and so were you, Hucota....
-shrug- Must not have seen you. Regardless though, we're not going to accept you just for having seen you one time. We need to get to know you first.
Give it some time. We need to get to know you better first. Things like this doesnt really work if you try to rush it.


You really need to know most (if not all) the active members before thinking about applying. Also give yourself some time to see if RKS is actually something you want to be part of.
I havent played on the server for about a week and i have never seen you before that. You should probably take some time to meet people.
Don't accept this. He minged quite a bit today towards the time he was leaving. Then to top it off, he RDMed me & left.
Since it seems that nobody knows JustANobody I am going to reject this application for now. If in a few weeks after the members have had a chance to get to know you then I would reapply.

Don't accept this. He minged quite a bit today towards the time he was leaving. Then to top it off, he RDMed me & left.

If what Jay says is true (I have not looked into the logs yet) this could hurt your chances to get into RKS in the future.