Q's regarding RKS


Apr 27, 2012
I'm considering posting an application to join the clan, but I'd like some more information before I do.

Why was RKS created?
What is the purpose to the clan? Is there any specific goals for the clan?
What's the history of the clan? Is there any interesting backstory worth mentioning?
Are there any requirements to join or anything mandatory for members?
Does RKS interact with other clans in wars, battles..?

If anybody could answer these for me, it'd be much appreciated. I have joined clans before on XBL, and quit just as fast as I joined. I didn't like how it was managed or the requirements. Mandatory colors for your player, etc. I'm by nature a fun person, and I'm not all that fond of competition or play-to-win situations. So again, I'd be grateful if my curiosities could be answered. Thanks.
Hello, based on what I know about you so far, I doubt RKS is the type of clan you're looking for.

RKS was originally created because of a simple reason: I was tired of a lot of the servers and they way they were managed. So I created one with my own ideals. Purpose is just to have fun with each other. It took us a while to realize that but that's all we're interested in now. There's no specific goals or anything such as wars, battles etc. We are a non competitive community of gamers who just like to get on after a day's hard work and have some fun time. We mostly utilize the Teamspeak 3 server, so you will find the forums somewhat lacking activity, especially the public areas.

There's not much about the history. It started in 2007 and at the peak managed an active memberbase of approximately 140 people. I realized quickly however that what I had envisioned was not fun. It was more clan oriented than it was player oriented. From then, RKS took a different turn. We no longer push for donations like we used to, we don't actively try to fill up our servers (beyond reasonable effort) like we used to. We just get on Teamspeak, and have fun! If you want more information, we would be glad to answer them for you. However, I suggest that you hang out in the Teamspeak 3 servers with us to guage if this is the right clan. I do ask that if you do end up joining, and you decide to leave, just give me a heads up. This is a free to join, free to leave community. All I ask is a notification. I don't bite. :p

There's no requirements other than a minimum age of 13 although we do try to go for mature players. If you're a hacker, aimbotter, glitcher, or some other sort of exploiter, then we will not accept you for obvious reasons.

I hope I have answered your questions adaquetly.

Executive Director and Founder
Thanks for taking your time to answer so thoroughly. I like all of the answers you provided, why do you think that RKS isn't what I'm looking for?
Basically we don't really do much, we just hang around in teamspeak and see if anyone wants to play a game together. If you're looking for something more serious, then RKS isn't really for you.
Honestly, I don't like the hardcore serious clans. I think RKS would be perfect. The questions that I did pretty much because I wanted to make sure RKS didn't have those things.
That... Didn't really make a whole lot of sense, I'm too tired to think straight. I think you can probably get the idea of what I'm trying to say though.