I'm considering posting an application to join the clan, but I'd like some more information before I do.
Why was RKS created?
What is the purpose to the clan? Is there any specific goals for the clan?
What's the history of the clan? Is there any interesting backstory worth mentioning?
Are there any requirements to join or anything mandatory for members?
Does RKS interact with other clans in wars, battles..?
If anybody could answer these for me, it'd be much appreciated. I have joined clans before on XBL, and quit just as fast as I joined. I didn't like how it was managed or the requirements. Mandatory colors for your player, etc. I'm by nature a fun person, and I'm not all that fond of competition or play-to-win situations. So again, I'd be grateful if my curiosities could be answered. Thanks.
Why was RKS created?
What is the purpose to the clan? Is there any specific goals for the clan?
What's the history of the clan? Is there any interesting backstory worth mentioning?
Are there any requirements to join or anything mandatory for members?
Does RKS interact with other clans in wars, battles..?
If anybody could answer these for me, it'd be much appreciated. I have joined clans before on XBL, and quit just as fast as I joined. I didn't like how it was managed or the requirements. Mandatory colors for your player, etc. I'm by nature a fun person, and I'm not all that fond of competition or play-to-win situations. So again, I'd be grateful if my curiosities could be answered. Thanks.