Problems with Exsto (Admin Mod)...


Founder of RKS
Staff member
Nov 11, 2008
New York City
So as many of you may know, I have tried Exsto on the Stranded server as well as on some of our test servers to evaluate it for continued usage. After almost a week of running it, I have decided to uninstall Exsto and revert to ULX. Initially I was hoping to be able to unify our previous implementation of Assmod+ULX (Both of which are connected via MySQL DB) with a single solution. However due to problems with Exsto, I ended up having Assmod installed on the server as a backup. In this configuration, there is no reason why I would want to have Exsto installed. Its features are lacking compared to ULX, and some commands are just too not familiar between users who are familiar with the ULX commands. It looks really nice, but aside from the eye candy, it's a admin mod that has little to no use in RKS servers.

As such, within the next few hours, Stranded server will revert to ULX + Ulib via MySQL. There may be some initial issues regarding the redirect, if one happens, report directly to me.