possibilities of Garry's Mod 13

Sep 1, 2012
Since Narry Gewman is pushing back the release of Gmod 13 to 2567 A. D. I think it would be neat to suggest some fun stuff for the Dark RP server. Though it might be troublesome for Fireproof to code everything in with C++ it wouldn't hurt to suggest fun things starting in a list trying my best to give recognition to who created the brainchild.
- Spike strips for POLIS
- Maybe a form of pets the aren't players
- A wider selection of jobs
- /job for respected (I think Huckleberry thought of this)
- Maybe more job specific items
- Finding a less buggy version of the arrest stick (less super range)
- "My Little Reckie" plush toy line
- Make fishing more fun and rewarding
- Possibly more types of cars
- Making a Baggens adoption center
- Maybe edit the current map used (like add different buildings or something)
- Maybe a test that a player has to take in order to become POLIS or POLIS chief that would not allow the player to become POLIS if they fail a certain amount of questions and prohibits them from taking such test again for a certain amount of time
- Prime minister or dictator job that allows players to section off parts of map as their country and can create laws (as long they don't conflict with the server rules)
- An option to set prison as a POLIS (this would be a respected only ability)
- More nature looking themed maps with jobs to fit map type (like a pioneer town like map with jobs based on time period)
- Toymaker job that allows the creation of toys that can be bought and used like vehicles. ( how cool would it be to see someone drive down the street in a toy train [note: size of these "toys" would be like the size of those toy trains you see in commercials that are smaller than a regular train but big enough for a person to fit in] along with miniature cars the size of go carts
- Dinosaur themed maps with jobs like dinosaur hunters that could kill npc dinosaurs in secure fenced off areas and sell meats and hide for money, pioneer themed maps could have fur traders and stuff
- Pin up posters of Lavernious
- Swamp themed maps with buy able and drivable houseboats with water that killed you instantly that would have a death sign of alligators
- RC cars and bomb bots to defuse explosives and mob bosses could place time bombs and stuff
- Black smith who could make and sell swords and melee weapons that had better hit detection
- Shoemaker that can make sneakers that increase your speed a little bit

This has been my wall of suggestions. Have a nice day.
Pretty comical list. I know Fireproof doesn't want a long download though, that's why we don't have more cars, or wiremod models, etc. I would like to see a few of these though. The Lavernius pinups in particular.

- Spike strips for POLIS Nope
- Maybe a form of pets the aren't players Nope
- A wider selection of jobs Maybe (if jobs are found that doesn't have a bajillion guns to start out with and does something beneficial)
- /job for respected (I think Huckleberry thought of this) IDK
- Maybe more job specific items Nope
- Finding a less buggy version of the arrest stick (less super range) Already asked answer was Nope
- "My Little Reckie" plush toy line I support this
- Make fishing more fun and rewarding
- Possibly more types of cars MAYBE if gas mod is done
- Making a Baggens adoption center I don't know how to respond to this, so instead i'll say Nope
- Maybe edit the current map used (like add different buildings or something) Would have to request permission from map maker, too much time
- Maybe a test that a player has to take in order to become POLIS or POLIS chief that would not allow the player to become POLIS if they fail a certain amount of questions and prohibits them from taking such test again for a certain amount of time it's called /demote
- Prime minister or dictator job that allows players to section off parts of map as their country and can create laws (as long they don't conflict with the server rules) Oh god no
- An option to set prison as a POLIS (this would be a respected only ability) Nope
- More nature looking themed maps with jobs to fit map type (like a pioneer town like map with jobs based on time period) The jobs would transfer over to the other maps so no
- Toymaker job that allows the creation of toys that can be bought and used like vehicles. ( how cool would it be to see someone drive down the street in a toy train [note: size of these "toys" would be like the size of those toy trains you see in commercials that are smaller than a regular train but big enough for a person to fit in] along with miniature cars the size of go carts It's called wire/e2
- Dinosaur themed maps with jobs like dinosaur hunters that could kill npc dinosaurs in secure fenced off areas and sell meats and hide for money, pioneer themed maps could have fur traders and stuff Uhmm.... Nope
- Pin up posters of Lavernius I always need more posters of him! [SIZE=-5]I keep them in the drawer next to my bed next to the tissues and lotion[/SIZE]
- Swamp themed maps with buy able and drivable houseboats with water that killed you instantly that would have a death sign of alligators This would make prop pushing 10x more common and more deadly
- RC cars and bomb bots to defuse explosives and mob bosses could place time bombs and stuff Oh i can see this SOO abused
- Black smith who could make and sell swords and melee weapons that had better hit detection Maybe
- Shoemaker that can make sneakers that increase your speed a little bit Nope

And this is my criticism of the day
- Maybe a test that a player has to take in order to become POLIS or POLIS chief that would not allow the player to become POLIS if they fail a certain amount of questions and prohibits them from taking such test again for a certain amount of time

I like this, if a Cop has a poor understanding of (Mayor) Laws and (Server) Rules, who is going to know what is actually keeping the peace and not stirring stuff up? #WhySoManyStupidCops
while i doubt we will be able to declare countries ever, an integrated pyter system would be freaking awesome. make money in gmod and maybe 1000 gmod pyters is 10 pyters on the forums.
what is wrong with peanut butter? if it involves a dog/dong, a small mexican mariachi singer for the annulal day of the dead or the incan Qoricancha, also known as "El tmplo de sol", then my visions of the future will come back. you don't want that to happen.
No seriously guys, if you keep this thread de-railed the forum fairies that come out at night won't clean your house up while you sleep.
what is wrong with peanut butter? if it involves a dog/dong, a small mexican mariachi singer for the annulal day of the dead or the incan Qoricancha, also known as "El tmplo de sol", then my visions of the future will come back. you don't want that to happen.

The day of the dead is a Mexican celebration and the Qoricancha is The Temple of the Sun which is an Incan temple which is in Peru, I fail to see how these relate.