Lua Suggestions Thread - Stranded

a tool that allows you to make any one of your props ownerless so that if your leaving you may give someone your stuff. i saw a tool like this a few years ago on a GM4P (Gman for President) server once and loved it. Also, i like TB's idea.
Progress report:

Haven't been on the forums much lately, but I'm gonna get working on both of these. I'm gonna need PY to help me out with the paying Pyters thing, but other than that should go well.
a tool that allows you to make any one of your props ownerless so that if your leaving you may give someone your stuff. i saw a tool like this a few years ago on a GM4P (Gman for President) server once and loved it. Also, i like TB's idea.

aparently there is already a tool that does this on the server only problom is that its owner only. also i think that for this it should be a seperate swep since you need weapon crafting 15ish to make a toolgun.
I found this nearly impossible to achieve. I'll have another go though at some point since I need that for my gamemode.
i would have thought it doable as well but even if it was only useable through the toolgun it would still be helpfull.
I has a suggestion...Coffee (ill code it if need but i would like to see it on the server) it refills fatigue :D...coding it will be easy you'll just have to make a separate button to drink it
Ok I did it.

Note to PY: run [[ ulx groupallow god "ulx ragdoll" ]] without the brackets to reallow yourself the command. I won't do it since I don't think anyone should have it. I removed it from myself as well...
Though it's already been brought up, a raid option. I believe the S2S Stranded server has a plugin that allows a player to get a temporary raid ability when a button is pressed, then is disabled for 10 minutes. That would be a great addon to use on our servers.
I know what his talking about...On that server there was a button in the Q-Menu that allowed you to raid people bases. This is used for the time in between people don't disregard the rule of how long you have to wait to raid again. Also you should make it so you can take other peoples resources..I MEAN are you suppose to raid if you can't take anything. :D
That's something I'm planning on doing. I need to wait for PY to go online though, and I can't work tonight, it's my girlfriend's best friend's sweet sixteen.