[LEFT] Panda's App


Apr 25, 2010

  • [*]a. Your in game name (McChicken, Darthkatzs, PY004, etc)

    [*]b. Your age (19,13, etc)

    [*]c. STEAM ID (example: STEAM_0:0:01234567, not McChicken, Guppy, etc)
    [*]Will give it later, am too lazy to get it atm.

    [*]d. Games you play
    [*]A lot. SA:MP, Steam Games.

    [*]e. Where you live (New York USA, British Columbia Canada, London UK, etc)
    [*]Chicago, Illinois

    [*]f. Why you want to join

  • Well, Erm. I wanted to join because I always loved RKS' RP server, and I've wanted to be a part of this community for like, 2-3 years now?

    [*]g. I agree not to join or be part of any other clan or community and I will wear the RKS tags all the time (exception only to non source games)
    [*]h. I agree to participate on the forums regularly (at least once a week) since I understand that it's impossible to determine who is active or not otherwise.

As much as I like RKS, I don't like being in clans, groups, organizations because it limits my freedom (plus there's the minimal of once a week forum activity).
Cherry! JOIN US! The forum activity is just so that you can have fun with us! And it doesnt limit your freedom, i dont care if you play on anyone else's servers. Just the leaders are expected to help start up servers.
Don't do it Cherry, PY will come an taze you even if you think about launching another game besides TF2 and Gmod. JK it's rly not a big thing, PY doesn't hunt pol down who haven't posted in a week