[LEFT] Disloyalcarrot

Jan 18, 2011
OK I give in I would like to join the RKS gaming clan if it is ok with you PY. If you need recommendations talk to fifteenthraider/RuthlessZabusa/Willbeatu004/A-Man/and I guess I will list you and FireProofThor as recommendations as well.
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Oh and sorry about not posting a proper request, I didn't notice it until I already made this thread.

If you really want to know

A: Disloyalcarrot
B: 16
D: GMOD, TF2,Crysis,Bad Company 2, And I plan on buying minecraft eventually.
E: I live in Pennsylvania.
F: I really like a lot of the people in the clan, and I kinda feel like a **** using the teamspeak without actually being in the clan.
G: Although I accept this term, I plan on joining ClanAO eventually (mostly because RKS's presence in TF2 is lacking).
H: Yeah I agree to this no issue there.
Dan, finally applying for RKS. Good call since he plays on the servers a lot and is in teamspeak a lot. I would wish of his acceptance into RKS to be granted.
So since I agreed to join RKS permanently (or at least for an extended amount of time like at least a year or two maybe more) I am in right? If so is it alright for me to add the tag??? And I should add the [R] Tag as well correct???