[INFO] Non members gaining access to member forums


Founder of RKS
Staff member
Nov 11, 2008
New York City
Please reply back on this thread and if we know you well enough, you may be approved for access to the member forums since most of the RKS forums are hidden from public view, and we rarely post in the public section of the forums, if ever.
And of course don't forget philxyz. He actually has access even into the leader boards. He was just a regular registered user for a while, but I finally decided to give him the access he deserves =P
Stop worshipping Phil D:

Lol with Phil, Shamiz and other players we made a hunt to the mayor it was awesome. Cops vs Gangsters (Phil killed everyone) Phil is very cool. That was about a year ago.
i do remember vaugly lulu on gmod building a church for py or i forgot who it was......i also remember fire.. is that bad?
Is this why the forums look nearly dead, I can't see some boards? In which case, I know you don't know me from Adam, but I'd like to be granted access.

I love your Stranded server and I wanna get to know the group better. That's rather hard when no one is on the forums for what, at times, appears to be weeks.
Most of our forum is set to be private and is only accessible by RKS members and certain VIP members who are invited to have such access. We only give out access to the private forums to those who we know and as it stands, I believe that this is the first time I am encountering you. We mostly hang out in the Teamspeak 3 server, so you're welcome to join us on there if you wish to get to know us better.

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