Fishing Inquiries


Jun 7, 2012
West Virginia
How exactly does fisherman work outside of the pole? How does the job allow you to earn real money (RP Money) and what is the game play factor of the class and how is it utilized? Thank you for reading and I hope to hear you soon.
that's one of the things i need to work on. My grand plan when I started the server was to have hunger mod enabled and to have fishing as a class other then cook that can feed people. that got thrown out the window due to negative feed back about hunger mod and that fishermen can't bring in enough fish to feed more then 2 - 3 other people reliably (due to junk and other things you might catch). so as of right now there are only 2 real things a fisherman can catch that people might buy. they are the explosive barrels (only explosives in the game other then respected tools) and and item that allows you to randomly teleport around the map when used ( can teleport you into an inaccessible place and then your stuck).

There are a few HL2 figurines that some people buy when there on the server and a few other thing but the barrels and teleporter are in higher demand. Tomorrow (or later today depending on how you look at it) I'm going to be enabling map rotations, fixing a few minor bugs, i will also look into making it to where fish can heal people when used (like a portable 1 time use med kit), and looking into adding an NPC that will buy fishing items off of people for a certain price. Doing any of this will require some balancing to be done to the fishing class but shouldn't take but a day or two.

There are also a few other things that i will work on for the fishing class ( such as fixing the radios and cores so they can be fished again). while I am on the topic of things ill be doing ill more then likely also put up the stranded server (seeing as I have the files and just need to upload then test them). If anyone has any suggestions on what they would like to see in the fishing class just let me know via steam or the forms.
Ok here is what i have done.

1. I have "fixed the radios" they can now be turned on and off by pressing E on them ( but a new bug appeared that wasn't on single player and if you hold E on them they well turn on and off real fast. I'll have that fixed the next day I have off)

2. I have lowered the radius that the radios can be heard

3. I have added back in the portal cores. (these also have a lower sound radius)

4. the radios and cores can no longer be pocketed (this prevents them for glitching out)

Hopefully the radios will give the fisherman something to sell that people might want. Other then this I have been thinking of using fish caught from the fisherman as a natural oil, that people can use in there cars that will make there fuel last longer. i am open to suggestions on any ideas people have for the fishing class, just post them here and ill look at them when I can.