[APPROVED] unban request


Active member
May 8, 2012
My in game name is lololemohead
The server is a darkRP that is on the map RP_Downtown_v4c
My steam ID is STEAM_0:1:45029688
I was banned 2 days ago
I have been with the server for about 3 weeks. I was raiding and killed someone that i have killed less than ten minutes ago. I am truly sorry for rdming
The full reason for the ban:
That RDM was the final straw
You were constantly bickering over voice coms
Many people complained of nightly "mini-rampages"
he is a little young but not trollish for the most part he just needs some guidance and learn when to shut his mouth that is all. I think he is the one i had to teach to build better if i'm not mistaken.
Thx for the advice

Thx for the advice

he is a little young but not trollish for the most part he just needs some guidance and learn when to shut his mouth that is all. I think he is the one i had to teach to build better if i'm not mistaken.
That is probably true and you were the one that tought me