Admin on Stranded Server

Gummi Bear

New member
Mar 14, 2011

For those of you who havnt played with me, Im Gummi.

Im here today to discuss with you the possibility of being made admin on your Stranded server. I am on the server quite a bit as of late and I can guarantee time comittment in the future.

I have observed several problems on the server caused by trolls such as prop killing, repeated and unwarranted murder and micspam. Another major problem are players who access the server from such a distance to lag the server for everyone else.

I have played games on the half-life engine since about 2000 and I consider myself to be fairly well versed in its workings.

Any more info can be provided on request and I anxiously await your response.
Please provide me with your SteamID (should be in the form of STEAM_0:1:2345667) for the purpose of background checking.

Also, how old are you? Do you have a mic? Any prior experiences? Are you familiar with ULX?
Im 23, I have a mic, I do have prior experience on an old clan server but I dont know what ULX is. I can check my steam ID in a few as I dont know it off hand.

Oh btw, in my life I have been a private detective, hospital security, methadone clinic security, contract homeland security as well as having done copywright protection.
Take your time, I won't be able to check the forums until tomorrow night.
SteamId serves two purposes here. Primarily, we want to check your online activities with that ID to see if you';re banned from other servers, what the reasons are, how you interact with other people, etc. Secondly, once you pass that check, and you pass all other qualification requirements, admin privileges are granted to that SteamID.
Amazing bans? hmmmmm.
I like this guy lol
Try visiting the teamspeak server this weekend if you can. ill be on saturday and sunday.
I want to talk to you, get some ideas, lay some ground rules.
As you know, we do need an admin on there one way or another.
I see no harm in giving you trial admin. If you abuse, we can take it away just as easily as it was given to you, so i think ill give you trial admin.
Still need that that SteamID, but I do expect you to act as an admin.

Also to any RKS members/recruits, admin on Stranded Server is now open.