[ACCEPTED] Guppy fish's App - Former Member Acceptance Program


Event Manager
Apr 15, 2009

  • [*]a. Your in game name (McChicken, Darthkatzs, PY004, etc)
Guppy =P

  • b. Your age (19,13, etc)
  • Too old (going on 25)
  • c. STEAM ID (example: STEAM_0:0:01234567, not McChicken, Guppy, etc)
Don't know it off hand, will hand later

  • d. Games you play
Any and all I can xD

  • e. Where you live (New York USA, British Columbia Canada, London UK, etc)
New Jersey

  • f. Why you want to join
Because PY held a gun to my head o_o

  • g. I agree not to join or be part of any other clan or community and I will wear the RKS tags all the time (exception only to non source games)
Only if I get cookies

  • h. I agree to participate on the forums regularly (at least once a week) since I understand that it's impossible to determine who is active or not otherwise.
If there's a pool party then okay.