[ACCEPTED] Application to join the RKS clan.


May 13, 2012
Jupiter Florida
My age is 15. (Though more mature then one would assume)

My steam ID is, STEAM_0:0:41173169

The games I play on steam are, Garrysmod, Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

I live in Jupiter, Florida, in the United States.

I'm very active in-game and i'm a friendly player, which I believe would be good for the clan to have.

I agree not to join or be part of any other clan or community and I will proudly wear the RKS tags all the time.

I agree to participate on the forums regularly at least once a week since I understand that it's impossible to determine who is active or not otherwise.

Thank you for reading my application

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welcome to RKS you will be joining as a recruit.

Procedures you have to follow:

1. Add the RKS Recruit tags to your Steam name. Example: RKS | Jay The World Eater [R]. Note the | is not a l. worst comes to worst, just copy paste that character. The [R] at the end of your name denotes that you are a recruit and will be removed when you become promoted to a full member (usually 2-4 weeks).
2. Add PY004 and me to your friends on steam and once you do, you will be sent a invite into the RKS steam community.
http://steamcommunity.com/id/fireproofthor also add
3. Have fun in RKS. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to write in the suggestion forums.

Failure to follow these procedures in a timely fashion will result in the application becoming voided and your membership revoked.