Search results

  1. M

    Tags, Trolling, and Advertisment

    My brother and I share an account, him being older, he is 16. He usually takes my tags off without asking, and I never remember to put them back on. Will this be an issue? I Will eventually remember to put them back on while I am playing, but it annoys me that he just won't keep them on. I...
  2. M

    Forum Ranks

    I have noticed that there are some users on here that have "Army"-esque looking rankings, and I was wondering, do you buy them with Pyters? Or does it depend on how many times you post? I saw that on my tenth post I got a Private "V" shape. Can someone give me a list on what the ranks are? (10...
  3. M

    Donations to RKS and Benefits

    As you could have read by the title, I wanted to ask what (if any) rewards, or benefits there are to donating a certain amount and how that impacts the clan and the donator. If possible just give an explanation on how the money will affect RKS, who it goes to, and what it will do for me. As...
  4. M

    [RESIGNED] MedikSmokesABong's Application

    Hello RKS Members and other Forum-goers. I have been referred to RKS by Roc. Ingame: MedikSmokesABong Age: 14 9/17/98 (However young I am, I am no Joker but not strict, no Spammer, and I consider myself to be more mature than some other Adults I know.) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24447419 Games...