Recent content by Mahlipen69

  1. M

    [REJECTED] Mahlipen69's Stranded Server Admin App

    Name: Mahlipen69 Age: 15 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25233528 Games I play: HL 1,2 and all extentions of those, Portal, TF2, Gmod, many others if you want to know them check my Joining app I agree to all of your polices of being in other clans groups ect. and to participate in your forums regularly...
  2. M

    [LEFT] Mahlipen69 Joining Team

    Hi I am Mahlipen69 age: 15 years old Steam ID: Mine says Mahlipen69 I don't know why :( Games: Garrys mod, Half Life1&2 ep.1&2 blue shift, opposing force, Portal, Team Fortress 2, Warhammer 40k, and some mods. Location: Indiana, USA I want to join your team because I think i would be a hard...